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LSY1_011 Fourier Analysis of Discrete Time Signals
From (Lathi & Green, 2018):
In Fourier transform and Laplace transform we studies the ways of representing a continuous-time signal as a sum of sinusoids or exponentials. In this chapter we shall discuss similar development for discrete-time signals. Our approach is parallel to that used for a continous-time signals. We first represent a periodic as a Fourier series formed by a discrete-time exponential (or sinusoid) and its harmonics.
The signal , for and is called a discrete harmonic signal with frequency , amplitude , and initial phase :
A general discrete harmonic signal.
A/D and D/A Conversion
Analog to Digital
A conversion of a continuous-time (analog) signal, say , to a discrete-time (digital) signal, say , is known as sampling. If for all
then the term ideal sampling is used. If for some , we say that the sampling is periodic and call the sampling period/interval.
Sampling frequently (but not always) a lossy process, meaning some information about the analog signal is lost. For example:
Information loss on an analog signal.
Digital to Analog
A conversion of a discrete-time (digital) signal, say , to a continuous-time (analog) signal, say , is known a hold (interpolation). We will mainly deal with zero-order hold, which acts as:
For example:
Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
A discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT) is defined as
under some mild conditions, the inverse discrete-time Fourier transform results in:
Basic Properties
time domain
frequency domain
time shift
time reversal
Periodic Summation
The ideal sampler maps continuous-time signals to discrete signals as
for a given sampling period (we assume periodic sampling hereafter). We may also think in terms of the sampling frequency .
A key question: What is lost by transforming the signal domain from to ?
Sampling with a general sampling period h.
Sampling with a general sampling period . We got that exact same sampled function even though the original continuous-time function isn’t the same.
SmarterEveryDay loosing his kids in a science museum
Washing machine dude explaining signals
Consider a function . Its periodic summation with period is:
The function is -periodic.
If , then:
Let be a continuous-time signal with the frequency response , say:
Frequency response .
And consider its periodic summation with the period :
Periodic summation .
Because this function is periodic, it can be expanded into a Fourier series with fundamental frequency . After some algebra, we conclude that the Fourier coefficients are:
Meaning that the periodic summation can also be described as the sum:
Which is the periodic summation, whose period equals the sampling frequency , of the spectrum of the continuous-time , scaled by the factor both in amplitude and in frequency.
Method of finding .
Meaning that spectrum of a sampled signal will always be periodic. Because it is periodic, we usually focus on the range , where :
Change of variables for convenience.
This periodic spectrum is not a action we are doing to better understand they system, it is a thing that happens, a phenomenon called aliasing, which is a result of the fact that the sampling rate we are using is too slow to capture all the data we need.
We define the Nyquist frequency, where we can think of it as the frequency at which the spectrum of the original signal “folds” upon:
Demonstration of frequency folding.
Question 1
Let , i.e:
Discrete-time signal , for .
We can write as a sum of shifted step signals 𝟙:
We know that:
also the time shift property of the DTFT:
Using these we have:
Using the sifting property of the delta function, we know that . Therefore: